Watch this video from the Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services to learn what the government is doing to protect you.
Medicare Part D is coming up!
Many people are still working when they’re first eligible for Medicare, and they need to decide if they should get Medicare Part B coverage. Those newly eligible for Medicare who are still working or have employer coverage have important decisions to make. It’s important they understand how and when to enroll, as well as the consequences of not enrolling. Those …
Medicare Costs the Same in 2016
Medicare Advantage premiums remain stable; enrollment at all-time high Seniors and people with disabilities will have continued access to a wide range of Medicare health and drug plans in 2016 Today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that Medicare Advantage premiums will remain stable and more enrollees will have access to higher quality plans while, for a …
Go Paperless With “Medicare & You”
Did you know you can read the red, white and blue “Medicare & You handbook” right on your smart phone, computer or tablet? Visit to find all of the same information online you’re used to seeing in your printed handbook. Learn what’s new, get Medicare costs, and find out what Medicare covers. Even better, we update the handbook information on the …
Take Care With Medicaid
MEDICARE FRAUD COSTS taxpayers and the government. Anyone can abuse the system and commit health-care fraud: health-care providers, suppliers, employees, companies. Here’s some information to help you protect yourself from related scams. Examples of Medicare fraud you might encounter include: Someone uses your Medicare card to get unauthorized supplies, equipment or care A provider bills Medicare for services or equipment …
Financial Protections for Medicare Enrollees Are Eroding
Enrollment in Medicare Advantage continues to climb steadily as spending reductions enacted in the Affordable Care Act reduce historical overpayments to the private plans, according to a new analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation. But limits on out-of-pocket spending for Medicare-covered services are rising, providing less protection for enrollees with relatively high health care expenses. Medicare Advantage enrollment grew in …
Coming of Age In Aging America
What will it mean for all of us to grow up, live and age in a society where half the citizens are over the age of 50? Take 4 minutes and watch this video (promo of the documentary that will air on PBS in 2015). These are fascinating concepts about how aging is changing in the US and the world. …
The Michigan Medicare Medicaid Assistance Program statewide service offers free counseling for the 2015 Medicare Plan changes and new enrollments.
October 15th starts the Medicare Open Enrollment period for 2015. Now is the time to change plan benefits, provider networks, drug formularies and monthly premiums. During the Medicare Open Enrollment period, October 15th to December 7th, all Medicare beneficiaries have the option to change their plans for 2015. This includes anyone with Original Medicare, a Medicare Advantage Health Plan or …
Medicare Open Enrollment Is Fast Approaching – What We Know So Far
Medicare beneficiaries who want to make changes to their prescription drug plans or Medicare Advantage coverage can do so starting Oct. 15 during the Medicare’s program’s annual open enrollment period. There will be somewhat fewer plans to pick from this year, but in general people will have plenty of options, experts say. And although premiums aren’t expected to rise markedly …
MMAP Volunteer, Art Nichols, received the Irving S. Gilmore Lifetime Achievement Award at the annual STAR Awards!
The MMAP is proud to announce that MMAP Volunteer Art Nichols has won the Irving S. Gilmore Lifetime Achievement award as part of the 2014 STAR Awards.
Art Nichols, 84, is never too busy or too tired to help someone in need, said Kathleen Kelleher, director of fund development for Senior Services of Southwest Michigan.