older senior female sleeping

How Sleep Affects Your Health

Unhealthy sleep can interfere with daily activities and is associated with lower quality of life and risk of chronic disease, such as diabetes and obesity. There is a connection with poor sleep and unhealthy weight gain because sleep regulates hormones that tell your body when you are hungry and signals when you feel full. This may cause you to eat …

senior female on telehealth with doctor

Using Medicare Benefits Post-COVID

As the world starts to open back up from the public health emergency caused by COVID-19, millions of older adults are looking forward to getting back to social visits and rescheduling missed appointments. If you have Medicare, you’ll want to consider these tips to maximize your coverage and health post-pandemic. Continue to use Medicare-covered virtual visits  The pandemic introduced many people …

older asian woman sitting eating food

Healthy Eating for Older Adults

Nutritious Food: An Ultimate Necessity as We Get Older Diana Aviv, President of Diana Aviv Consultants Key Takeaways As the senior population increases (roughly 10,000 baby boomers will turn 65 every day for the next 30 years), the number of seniors facing hunger will continue to grow significantly. Nutritious food is critical for people at every stage of life, but …

senior white female sitting at computer with mug in her hand


Register Now! JUNE 23, 2021 | OPEN FROM 3:00 PM TO 7:00 PM ET Learn about signing up for Medicare! Go to www.shiphelp.org for more details, to see the agenda, and to register. This fair is for people turning 65 or joining Medicare because of a disability. Learn about Medicare – and all its parts – to assist you in …

Medicare spelled out in wood blocks

Are you new to Medicare?

If you’re just getting started with Medicare or are in your first year, we have the information you need to help you understand your health care options and get the coverage that best fits your situation. Visit Medicare.gov to get answers to questions like: What are the parts of Medicare? What’s the difference between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage? How do I enroll in …

senior black female sitting in chair looking at e-reader

Going electronic is easy with Medicare online resources

Earth Day, celebrated on April 22, is a great time to think about ways to reduce your carbon footprint. Medicare’s online resources make reducing your use of paper easier.   Switch to the electronic version of the “Medicare & You” handbook If you have an eReader (like an iPad, Kindle Fire, Surface, or Galaxy Tab), you can download a free digital …

Black older male and white older female sitting at table smiling as they look at phone and computer

Prevent Medicare fraud — become an informed Medicare consumer

Each day, you make important choices about your finances, health, privacy, and more. It’s National Consumer Protection Week (NCPW), a time that non-profit organizations and government agencies can help you protect yourself and prevent fraud by taking advantage of your rights and making better, more informed choices. Here are some things you can do to prevent Medicare fraud and become an informed …