CMS News FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 18, 2016 Contact: CMS Media Relations (202) 690-6145 | CMS Media Inquiries Second annual release provides clearer look into Medicare Part D costs and services Continuing the commitment to greater data transparency, the Centers for Medicare & Medicare Services (CMS) today released privacy-protected data on the prescription drugs that were paid for under the …
Medicare Advantage Value-Based Insurance Design Model
Medicare Advantage Value-Based Insurance Design Model Date 2016-08-10 Contact Medicare Advantage Value-Based Insurance Design Model The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation is announcing refinements to the design of the second year of the Medicare Advantage Value-Based Insurance Design (MA-VBID) model. The MA-VBID model is an opportunity for Medicare Advantage plans (MA …
Delivering on the Promise of Better Care for Older Adults
CMS BLOG August 11, 2016 By Andy Slavitt, Acting Administrator, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Since becoming acting administrator, I have spoken frequently about to the importance of moving to the next chapter in implementing the Affordable Care Act. This new chapter goes beyond providing people with quality, affordable coverage – but making sure that we are …
Affordable Care Act payment model continues to improve care, lower costs
CMS News FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 9, 2016 Contact: CMS Media Relations (202) 690-6145 | CMS Media Inquiries The Independence at Home Demonstration continues to provide high quality primary care services for chronically ill Medicare beneficiaries in the home setting while saving the Medicare program money, according to a new analysis released today by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid …
The Medicare Cost Curve Bent During the Obama Administration
A doctor examines a patient SOURCE: AP/Rich Pedroncelli A doctor examines a patient at a clinic in Sacramento, California, on February 18, 2016. By Harry Stein and Laura Pontari | Tuesday, August 9, 2016 PRINT: print icon SHARE: Facebook icon Twitter icon Share on Google+ Email icon In June 2009, shortly after President Barack Obama took office, he was presented …
MOOS: Medicare site now rates your hospital care
Bob Moos Posted: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 12:30 am By BOB MOOS/Contributing writer Have you wondered how your area hospitals stack up in terms of the quality of care they provide? Emergencies obviously call for rushing to the nearest hospital. But when you have time to plan, it is worth doing some research and finding out which hospitals do the …
CMS extends, expands fraud-fighting enrollment moratoria efforts in six states
CMS extends, expands fraud-fighting enrollment moratoria efforts in six states New demonstration enhances agency’s enrollment and investigative options Today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced an extension and statewide expansion of fraud-fighting temporary provider enrollment moratoria efforts in six states, along with a new related demonstration project to allow for certain exceptions to the moratoria and heightened …
Medicare projects relatively stable average prescription drug premiums in 2017
CMS NEWS FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 29, 2016 Contact: CMS Media Relations (202) 690-6145 | CMS Media Inquiries Medicare projects relatively stable average prescription drug premiums in 2017 Today, Medicare announced that the average basic premium for a Medicare Part D prescription drug plan in 2017 is projected to remain relatively stable at an estimated $34 per month. This represents …
Doctors Are Improperly Billing Some on Medicare, U.S. Says
WASHINGTON — Doctors are improperly billing poor people on Medicare for deductibles, co-payments and other costs from which they are supposed to be exempt, the Obama administration says. Federal officials have warned doctors that they may be subject to penalties if they persist in these practices. They could, for example, be fined or excluded from Medicare. The people who are …
Pitching Medicaid IT in Silicon Valley
By Andy Slavitt, CMS Acting Administrator @aslavitt Earlier this year, I announced a new effort to connect new, innovative companies and their investors to the state Medicaid program IT space. Since this announcement, I have been encouraged by the initial interest from companies that may not have otherwise ever thought about participating in this important health insurance program that covers …