LANSING, Mich. (AP) – More Medicare recipients in Michigan will qualify for subsidies to buy supplemental health insurance that covers their coinsurance and deductibles.
The Michigan Health Endowment Fund announced Monday it’s raising the eligibility threshold, starting in July.
Residents with annual incomes at or below 225 percent of the poverty level — or $26,730 for an individual and $36,045 for a couple — will qualify. The existing cutoff is 150 percent of poverty — $17,820 per individual and $24,030 per couple.
The monthly subsidy ranges from $40 to $125 depending one’s age and disability status.
It’s unclear how many residents will be helped by expanding the Medigap subsidy program. The health fund estimated previously that the current subsidy would help about 80,000 of 400,000 people with Medigap coverage.