Black older male and white older female sitting at table smiling as they look at phone and computer

Medicare Quiz Take this quiz to find out how much you know about Medicare, the people it serves, the benefits it covers, and its financial status.

June is Men’s Health Month

Father’s Day is just around the corner.  Each year, the week leading up to and including Father’s Day, is Men’s Health Week. Men’s Health Week is a great time to focus on keeping our fathers, brothers, uncles, and sons healthy — by educating them on health issues that disproportionately affect men, raising awareness of preventable health problems, and encouraging early …

Black older woman sitting on couch looking at tablet in her hand

Helpful Links

Administration for Community Living (ACL): The official site of the agency that oversees federal policy concerning seniors, including the Older Americans Act. The site includes a listing of Area Agencies on Aging with web sites. – American Society on Aging – Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) – Elder Law of Michigan, Inc. – Health …